Şiddet, insanlık tarihi boyunca ve bütün coğrafyalarda kendini hep göstermiştir. Bazen yüze inen bir tokat, bazen yüksek şiddetli bir ses, bazen kırılan bir cam, bazen şeffaf bir göz damlası, bazen kan, bazen mor, bazen dudağının içini ısırmaktır. Şiddet...
Awareness of Personal Data Security K. Berkay Çakıralp, one of our members, made a presentation on awareness of personal data security on 15 April 2020. In the presentation, firstly, basic concepts such as personal data and sensitive personal data were introduced. Then, … Read More
Alex Knight’s photo on Pexels INTRODUCTION It is an inevitable fact that artificial intelligence technologies are getting more and more involved in our lives. Artificial intelligence technologies are used in the fields of health, education, trade, industry, military and many … Read More
Universal STEM Education
Thanks to the cooperation with KTU we have organized an online education about steam(science,technology engineering, art and maths) among the countries of Poland and Finland.
Debate with Polish Students
Because of the United Nations 17 sustainable development goals, Polish group organized a debate with us. During the process we have discussed about the problems and solutions that youths planned.
Children and Happiness
Because we are a member of an international group having 300 organizations in the world, we organized an event to make the people be aware of the children’s rights.
Devoloping Civilian Association
You-Va is an organisation based on youthness development at each areas and to have active, creative, problem solver and innovative youth.